This one has been a long time coming....because its one of my first cosplays and I just now got around to shooting it!  This is my Captain America suit.  It's based on the Avengers costume and I actually built it before the movie came out so I only had a few reference photos to work from when I was patterning.

The main change I made to the suit from the movie version was darkening the blue fabric.  I like the movie costume but that's bright.  The one thing I will say is that the brighter blue fabric does show detail better;  I used roughly the same pattern for the running shirt and you get a much better sense of all the work that went into the paneling.  I also made this suit out of athletic fabric so 1) it wouldn't be too hot at cons and 2) I liked the pattern in the textiles.

Again this is one of my earlier cosplay builds so there is a ton of stuff I want to go back and improve, namely some nice new red tactical boots and adding some depth to the shield.

More pics after the jump.


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