Obi- Wan Kenobi is the best.  He is the coolest Jedi that has ever existed and anything that is wrong with the prequels is not Ewan McGregors fault.  In anticipation, of the Force Awakens I whipped up my own Jedi outfit in, just under 4 days!  Not a ton of unique redesigns on this one, most of the creative challenge came from adjusting the fit, selecting fabrics and interpreting how to replicate certain elements that the base pattern does not provide (i.e. the belt).
I did build a CAD file for his Clone Wars armor but with a four day build time that one just wasn't in the cards.

Funny side note, the movie theater wouldn't let me bring the lightsaber as it was proudly at my hip, but they had no problem with the beers i was holding up my sleeves ;)

Also...I know this is Anakin's lightsaber... but I had already too much money on fabric, Andrea wasn't going to let me buy another toy lightsaber too.  Also... Obi Wan had that lightsaber for like 30 years so maybe he did carry it around for a while.


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